Allah cures the HEARTS .
Darkness in the heart brings sadness , Darkness in the heart brings depression , Darkness in the heart brings stress . But light and noor brings happiness, Light and noor brings comfort . Light and noor brings calmness and tranquillity . We have the wrong understanding of comfort and tranquillity , We think that money is happiness , We think that power is happiness . Wallahi Allah knows no one is happy with just money , And no one is just happy with fame . You hear every single day the richest people commit suicide , why ? The most famous people are on drugs , why ? If they were happy why do they go on drugs for ? If they were happy with the money they have why do they commit suicide for ? Dunya is their worry , Dunya is their stress , Dunya is their concern. But Subhanallah you're a Mu'min , you're a believer . That's your concern every single day is how to please Allah Azzawajal , You sleep the best sleep , You wake up the best , You eat the best , Your heart is the b...